Panorama Tower
Location: Espoo, Finland
Size: 25,000 m²
Functions: Office, Café, Sauna area, Conference centre
Scope: Interior, Furniture design, Signage design
Status: Completed 2019
Client: Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company

PES-Architects has completed several smaller interior projects over the years in the Panorama Tower office building in Leppävaara, Espoo. The latest projects include a café, sauna lounges and conference centre.
When a new operator took over the café, the interior was renewed in a bistro style. Extensive use of wood and furniture in shades of red serve to create a warm and inviting space. Red tones are also used in the conference centre furniture.
PES-Architects also designed the signage in the public spaces.
| Office | Propertydevelopment |